
Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 13 – Yulara to Kings Canyon

Today was another great day. Got up a bit late (~8AM), packed up my stuff, but not before filling up with fuel and walking to the lookout where there was a cache to find. I found that, then hit the road with the plan to stop ~75Km down the road at Curtain springs to grab a coffee and a cache, Coffee was ordinary (Instant Blend 43 maybe!!) but the cache was unique, you actually had to ask in the shop providing a password and they would hand over the box. It was something different in geocaching to me anyway.
Next was to basically head the rest of the way to Kings Canyon Resort and set up camp. Once that had been done, I went for a small canyon walk around town for half an hour, had some lunch, then drive back to the Kings Canyon turnoff where I commenced what was suggested to be a 4-5 Hour Walk. And what a walk it was, simply spectacular; I cannot find the appropriate words to describe it. I had the most fun of any walk I have done since I have been away, I highly recommend it to anyone.
I then drove back to camp and walked to the suggested best sunset viewing area, lots of people there, but very nice all the same. I also saw something I hadn’t seen before in the caravan park, no doors on the toilet blocks, but they did have animal gates to stop any unwanted animals getting in. I thought that was funny!
Oh, almost forgot, on the way to Kings Canyon, I saw several wild Horses, as well as some Camels, one of them dead on the side of the road, I wouldn’t have liked to be the car or even truck that hit that!. There were some German tourists that took particular interest in the dead animal and seemed to be taking photos!!
The plan tomorrow is to drive all the way back to Alice Springs.
Distance Driven: 484.9km (3933.3km total)
Geocaches Found: 2 (2 Trad)(110 Total)
Caravan Park Rating: 8.5/10 (Once again, plenty of space, very clean and a nice canyon nearby)

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